.... doesn't go very well together, since Seam wants to access your entityManager, and would want it to be a Hibernate instance... This is a simple workaround, by replacing s:convertEntity with a custom tag that gives the same result. By remembering the entities displayed to the s:selectItems, using the value of entity.toString() (which is className + hashCode() (which should be unique).). You might want to tune it maybe not to use hashcode (in case of non uniqueness), and maybe access your entitymanager (toplink) - instead of storing entities in memory.. But in any case this is a good starting point: package com.petersalomonsen.jsf.persistence.EntityConverter import java.util.HashMap; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.convert.Converter; public class EntityConverter implements Converter { static HashMap<String,Object> entitiesToRemember = new HashMap<String,Object>(); public Object getAsObject(Fa...