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Showing posts from November, 2017

Angular 5 - Ahead of Time build configuration for rollup

Earlier the @angular Ahead of Time compilation cookbook showed you the compilation steps using the @angular/compiler-cli (ngc) and rollup. From Angular 5 it seems to be all about the Angular CLI (using ng build --prod). In some cases though it's nice to have the rollup recipe. We also want to benefit from the build optimizer and rxjs esm module which is default in Angular 5. So I've written down the configuration steps here for building a rollup-based AoT build for Angular 5. The typescript configuration for the @angular/compiler-cli (ngc). Store in file tsconfig_aot.json. { "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "js", "module": "es2015", "moduleResolution": "node", "target": "es5", "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "lib": [ "dom", "es2017"...

Creating Angular libraries

When your app grows and you make components that could be reused in other apps it's a good thing to split out that code in a library. Also if your app is big already and someone else is going to add a new feature to it, it's much easier if they can work on that feature in a small isolated project and when ready import it into the main app as a library. The architecture of Angular with modules  help us organize the application code into blocks of functionality. The step of splitting into libraries should build on that, but add the benefits of not having to see code not relevant to the modules we're currently working on and to easily install and reuse in several applications without having to duplicate code across projects. Creating an Angular library is basically about packaging compiled NgModules into a format that can be installed into another application using a package manager like npm. It could be done as easily adding the typescript sources and html templates to a ...