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Showing posts from June, 2018

Using Angular i18n translation strings outside templates

As of today in Angular 6 i18n is only available in the templates. So what if we want to use translated messages programatically and outside templates? I still use the component template html file to declare the message to be translated, but by obtaining the TemplateRef ViewChild in the component typescript file I can get the translated messages from typescript. <ng-template #boardInvitationEmailBody let-organization="organization" let-url="url"> <ng-container i18n>You have been invited to join the board portal for</ng-container> {{organization}}. <ng-container i18n> Please follow the link to: </ng-container> {{url}} </ng-template> So in the typescript code i can now call the createEmailBodyTranlated text method to get the translated text for use outside the template. @ViewChild('boardInvitationEmailBody') boardInvitationEmailBody: TemplateRef ; createEmailBodyTranslatedText(org...