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Conflicting styles with multiple Angular apps in the same page

About two years ago I was gradually converting an old web app to modern Angular. At some point the app was in a state were the Angular components were embedded as multiple apps at different locations in the page. Very soon I found that one app got the css styling rules from the other, and that the APP_ID that was supposed to be present in the generated html/css (according to the docs: ) was not there. I made a fix for this, and a pull request to Angular and am very happy now see that my fix for this is finally included here So now you should also be able to use Angular for creating multiple standalone widgets, adverts in any web page that is not made in Angular. That could be news sites, blogs, portals or anything. Angular just got new significant areas of use
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Webassembly and audioworklet

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Using Angular i18n translation strings outside templates

As of today in Angular 6 i18n is only available in the templates. So what if we want to use translated messages programatically and outside templates? I still use the component template html file to declare the message to be translated, but by obtaining the TemplateRef ViewChild in the component typescript file I can get the translated messages from typescript. <ng-template #boardInvitationEmailBody let-organization="organization" let-url="url"> <ng-container i18n>You have been invited to join the board portal for</ng-container> {{organization}}. <ng-container i18n> Please follow the link to: </ng-container> {{url}} </ng-template> So in the typescript code i can now call the createEmailBodyTranlated text method to get the translated text for use outside the template. @ViewChild('boardInvitationEmailBody') boardInvitationEmailBody: TemplateRef ; createEmailBodyTranslatedText(org...

Using GIT for offline web app syncing and storage

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Angular for Java EE developers

Being a Java EE developer for a long time and trying to find a development platform in these times where more and more business logic is placed in the frontend code, Angular (NOT AngularJS) became a natural choice. Being used to Java Server Faces with backend beans, coding with Angular is quite similar. You still have a HTML template and a separate class (Angular components ) with the template logic, but now this is all part of the frontend code. Also quite a bit of the code you would earlier place in EJB session beans can be put in Angular services , which can be injected into components using dependency injection . All together with TypeScript which gives you static types, decorations (annotations), classes and interfaces that any Java developer will miss when coding with Javascript. Now that the client / frontend does more and more of the traditional backend work, and the backend is more about providing data and access control than application business logic - Angular is a f...

Angular components not reloading on route change

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