ngmakelib now has a new feature that will watch for changes in your Angular library sources and rebuild. By using this with npm link you may make modifications in your library and see it immediately in your consuming app.
Spent a long time wondering why route changes caused strange effects on my component, and found out that it was because my component wasn't reloading at all. I had this assumption that when a route parameter changed (e.g. /projects/1 changed to /projects/2 ) the component for the route would be reloaded. But this is not the default behaviour of the Angular router. The default behaviour of the Angular router is to reuse the route if the configuration is the same (and not reload the component). But we can override this by providing a RouteReuseStrategy to our @NgModule: providers: [ { provide: RouteReuseStrategy, useClass: AARouteReuseStrategy } ] The full custom implementation of the RouteReuseStrategy will then be like this (and it's the shouldReuseRoute method that changes the behaviour so that the component is reloaded on route parameter change): export class AARouteReuseStrategy extends RouteReuseStrategy { shouldDetach(route: ActivatedRou...